Over the past years the Centre, in fulfilment of its mandate, IoDCCG has trained and impacted several directors, senior management and key heads of units in the areas of Corporate Governance, Risk Management and Compliance, Financial Reporting, Board Leadership, Human Resources Management, Company/Board Secretariat Functions as well as Anti-Corruption and Ethics Compliance.

You will be pleased to know that apart from the collaboration with the IFC, the Centre also executed a Cooperation and Licensing Agreement with the Center for International Private Enterprise, Washington DC, USA (CIPE), in furtherance of which two members each of our internal and external faculties attended Training of Trainers (ToT) programmes in Uganda and Kenya on Mitigating the Risks of Corruption in Global Business Value Chains.

In partnership with CIPE and CFA Society Nigeria, IoDCCG launched the Business Network for Ethics and Integrity (BNEI) – a collective-action network of organisations aimed at influencing the reduction of private sector corruption and promoting accountability, transparency, ethical conduct and integrity in business. Members have been invited to join the network at no cost in order to derive the numerous benefits accompanying the initiative.

IoDCCG is currently facilitating free membership of Ethics 1st global platform, while also assisting organisations with trainings and business clinics to improve their business processes and procedures as well as increasing trust and confidence in business.