Board and Corporate Governance Evaluation:

This is designed to ensure companies comply with the Nigerian code of Corporate Governance 2018 and contribute significantly to performance on three levels:

1. The company
2. The Board and
3. Individual Directors.

Development of Corporate Governance Documents:

Development of Corporates Governance Frameworks, Corporate Governance Assessment/Audit, Corporate Governance Policy/Board Charter, Anti-Corruption Compliance Assessment and design of Code of Ethics.

Induction for Board of Directors:

Enhance and update director’s knowledge on the strategic direction and business of their organizations, including their Corporate Governance roles, duties responsibilities and liabilities.

Anti-Corruption & Ethics Compliance Assessment:

As an accredited partner of the Center for international Private Enterprise ( CIPE) USA, authorized to offer Ethics and Anti-Corruption Compliance Services that meet international recorgnized standards, IoDCCG provides integrated services incorporating training and consulting clinics on Ethics and Anti-Corruption Compliance for Directors, Chief Compliance Executives and Chief Risk Officers.